Our Mission & Purpose

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20 ESV)


Our mission at Western Meadows is nothing revolutionary or groundbreaking. As followers and disciples of Jesus Christ, we share the same mission of every Christian: to make disciples of all nations, baptizing and teaching them all that Christ commanded us. We understand that we are simply one piece of the global work that God is doing. Nevertheless, we resolve to work hard at what the LORD has given us to do. 


The primary command of Jesus to all of His followers was to make disciples of all nations. Just as Christ raised up disciples to follow Him, we are commissioned to make more disciples for our Lord. Because this is Jesus’ main goal for all Christians until He returns, we also believe that it ought to be the main goal of this church. 

Therefore, through the proclamation of the Word on Sunday, through building community in community groups, and through praying for and with each other, we resolve to make disciples of Christ as we continue to live as disciples of Christ.


Though Christianity is intellectually satisfying, Jesus never meant His words to be impractical. He always intended for His teaching to lead people into action. The first command of the Great Commission, therefore, is for Christians to go, to move, to do. Because of this, we seek not to merely study the Bible but to actually live it. We want to be a people that in Christ have been purified to be a people of His possession, “who are zealous for good works” (Titus 2:14). 

We resolve to do everything to the glory of Christ, viewing the entirety of our lives as being devoted to God’s mission of making disciples.


Baptism is mandated by Jesus within His Great Commission. This does not mean, however, that baptism is necessary for salvation; rather, the desire for baptism is a fruit of saving faith. It is the public declaration of our commitment to Christ, similar to a marriage ceremony. It is a symbol of Jesus’ call for every disciple to come and die that in Him we may find new life. Each baptism, therefore, is a communal reminder to us all of the saving grace of our Savior. 

Like Jesus, we resolve to emphasize obedience through baptism. 


Jesus told His disciples to teach other disciples all that He commanded them. Teaching the Bible is essential for discipleship. In the Scriptures, we find the very words of God; thus, it is essential for the health of the church to teach the Scriptures. 

We resolve to open the Word of God for instruction and counsel in all matters, teaching all people to obey the commands of Christ.